What’s new in FOODAKAI: Predictions Dashboard Beta Version

As time passes by, FOODAKAI Global Predictions Dashboard is getting better and new, useful features are added, to help Food Safety and Quality Assurance professionals prevent food safety incidents from happening.
During November, our technology team aimed to update Predictions Dashboard from Alpha to Beta version, a much more stable version with extra capabilities, based on our users’ feedback.
Brand new blocks in the Predictions Dashboard
We have launched two new blocks in the Predictions Dashboard. The first one is about emerging hazards which presents all the latest hazards that may appear in the future but have never appeared in the past.
This information is essential for the Food Safety and Quality Assurance professionals, to help them perform insightful risk assessment tasks, in order to adopt a proactive strategy.

The second block has to do with ingredients that have the highest risk of being affected by a specific hazard, which is predicted to increase in the coming months.
Specifically, for each ingredient, FOODAKAI projects the risk of being affected by a specific hazard.
The resolution goes further, and users can proceed to a hazard analysis that will help them understand the reason why this is expected to happen.

Also, many changes have been made to assist the user in easily understanding how our models predict the incidents for the selected ingredients which are going to evolve over the next 12 months. In addition, we have fixed bugs to improve the user experience.
More importantly, in November we added more prediction data for the 220 ingredients we have in our taxonomy.
Last but not least, with the Global Predictions Dashboard a FSQA professional can:
- Make sure the verification activities focus on the right ingredients.
- Verify that the company’s lab plan and audits include these hazards.
- Identify emerging and increasing risks fast and without any manual work required.
- Identify immediately how the company’s finished products and suppliers are affected by these emerging risks.
If you’d like to discover how FOODAKAI can help your Food Safety & Quality team prevent product recalls by monitoring & predicting risks, schedule a call with us!